Friday, September 20, 2013

Major Arcana: 0 The Fool

Major Arcana: 0 The Fool
What it means facing you: beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, free spirit
What it means facing away from you: naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking

So this card is the first card in the first deck. It's also a card that is numbered zero and it's been unclear to me exactly what that means. But I did it and it's Colin Creevey and he's awesome.

Colin is like the leader of innocence. He comes from a muggle household into the wizarding world with wide eyes and an open mind. He reminds me a bit of Hermione because he seemed to know all about Harry. He marks Harry down as a hero though and follows him around like a lost puppy which also contributes to the innocence factor of this card. Colin is spontaneous in the wizarding world because he carried a camera around with him every where. While it might be a little weird for him to be fangirling over Harry Potter, it's nothing new for the wizarding world because they all kind of do that. He's spontaneous because he brings something to the magical world thats different. His obsession with taking pictures of everything is foreign to the students because many of them have grown up with moving pictures and ghosts floating around, but he hasn't. Everything in the wizarding world is new to him and beautiful. He takes pictures to capture what fascinated him. I think that if I was a Hogwarts student, I would be a lot like him.

He is a free spirit for all of those things that I just said. His fascination in things and his open-ness to magic are an example of that. While Colin was small and skinny and had a tendency to trip over himself in excitement, he also was strong and brave. He fought in the Battle of Hogwarts eve though it cost him his life. He wanted to protect the things that he cared about and it didn't matter to him that he was too young to be fighting. This also leads into recklessness and risk-taking. Colin did not have to go to battle, he was actually told not to because he was too young. But he went anyway. He took a huge risk that ended with him dead. Even if it was for a noble cause, it was still reckless. Colin's naivety and foolishness is apparent in his first year at Hogwarts (Harry's second). When he saw the Basilisk, instead of turning and running as far away as possible, he took out his camera. Because he looked at it though a camera lens, he did not die, but he still was petrified.

Colin was a good, enthusiastic, lovable kid, but he took life-threatening risks that cost him.

1 comment:

  1. Your characters have a remarkable charm and sense of personality! You always capture the spirit of the person through their gesture and posture. Your eye to the essence of the person or their role in the story is cleverly represented!
