The Cards

Major Arcana:
0 Fool
I Magician
III Empress
V Heirophant
VIII Justice
IX Hermit
X Fortune
XI Strength
XIII Death 
XIV Temperence
XV Devil

Head of Gryffindor
Ghost of Gryffindor
2 of Gryffindor: Domination
3 of Gryffindor: Exploration
6 of Gryffindor: Victory
8 of Gryffindor: Swiftness
10 of Gryffindor: Oppresion

2 of Slytherin: Love
6 of Slytherin: Happiness
7 of Slytherin: Illusion

2 of Ravenclaw: Equilibrium
6 of Ravenclaw: Knowledge
9 of Ravenclaw: Cruelty
10 of Ravenclaw: Destruction

3 of Hufflepuff: Work
4 of Hufflepuff: Stability
5 of Hufflepuff: Torment
7 of Hufflepuff: Failure
9 of Hufflepuff: Gain

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