Thursday, March 14, 2013

Major Arcana: I Magician

Major Arcana: I Magician
Sketch I made before
sharpie-ing it to the

I traced this onto the card
When the card is facing you: power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
When the card is facing away from you: manipulation, poor planning, latent talent

I chose Harry as the Magician because he has all of these traits, both the good and the bad. Harry is a powerful and skilled wizard. He defeated Voldemort when he was a baby and continued to do so until he finally killed him. In the end, he becomes the master of the Elder Wand, a very powerful wand that people kill for (literally). While defeating Voldemort sounds like regular hero over throwing the bad guy kind of stuff, there is more to it. Harry lived through Voldemort penetrating his mind and planting horrible things there, killing many people that he cares about, being crucio-ed, being cut, possessed, screamed at, cursed, and manipulated. He actually has to kill Voldemort seven times, and has to die himself in order to get rid of him. Harry was able to produce a Patronus at age 13 and take on 100 Dementors. He lived through the Chamber of Secrets (and got help from the Sorting Hat- which only happens to the most brave, most worthy of people), the attack at the ministry, and a few full on battles. I honestly don't think I can list everything that Harry has done because there is so much. To summarize, Harry is a very strong and powerful wizard.

He is also resourceful. When he and his class mates needed a place to study Defense in his fifth year, he used resources (Dobby) to help find a safe place for them. he was able to teach his peers things that a teacher should have been able to without the help of any adults or anyone but his friends and the Room of Requirement itself (the place Dobby helped Harry find). In stressful situations, Harry has managed to use the things he has to get himself out and alive. He was resourceful when he used Feliz Felicis to get the memory he needed from Slughorn, and also when he got Griphook to help him infiltrate Gringotts.

I don't think I need to explain that he can also be action-full. Everything above kind of proves that he is. :)

Harry is like the definition of poor planning and manipulation. Everything that he does, with the exception of a few things in the seventh book are rash and without premeditation. He's headstrong and stubborn and is more of a act first, think later than a planner, but it comes with the being a Gryffindor thing. He is manipulative because even if he doesn't like it, he is, to quote A Very Potter Musical, Harry freaking Potter, and everyone (or almost everyone) wants to please him. He is famous. He easily gets out of trouble and usually gets his way. If he wants to, he can get students and adults to listen to him. He also has many people who have his back, love him, and believe in him to back him up and get things done.

Harry Potter is a wizard (the wizard) and therefore is the Magician. (Dumbledore and Snape were also considered for this role in the cards, but they have other characteristics and stories that make them who they are and I have different cards for them to represent)

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