Thursday, June 20, 2013

2 of Hufflepuff: Love

2 of Hufflepuff: Love
Meaning when the card is facing you: united love, partnership, affection, relationships
Meaning when the card is facing away from you: break-up, imbalance, lack of harmony

First things first, it must seem weird that Love is a Slytherin card, but it isn't. Slytherin is about loyalty, family, and ambition among other things and those are things that are part of what love is.

I'll focus on the bad first. Ron and Hermione had a very interesting relationship from the start. They didn't like each other at all until the Troll incident. Even after that, they still fought and got on each other's nerves. This can represent lack of harmony- at least while they were growing up. I think as they got older, they learned how to be with each other from friends to in a committed relationship. It isn't easy and it takes a lot of of both of them. They trust each other in different ways, they want different things, but in the end they figure it out because they love each other so much. Imbalance could be represented in the way that they have different kinds of strengths. Hermione is the smartest witch of their year- she knows like everything ever, a GryffindorRavenclaw-ish personality while Ron is very open and reckless which is kind of just Gryffindor. Ron, though she says he has the emotional range of a teaspoon, (I feel) shows a lot more emotion than she does. Hermione is practical and looks at things logically, Ron tends to view things more from his heart and from his gut feelings more than thinking things through.

I'm not really sure how to connect them to break-up unless we count when Ron left Harry and Hermione during their quest to find the horcruxes, which I think we should. Obviously, Ron and Hermione aren't together at that point, but they were still really really really important to each other and the fact that he left was heartbreaking. Hermione was able to count on him when she was debating things with Harry. Ron was also emotional support kind of- he made a lot of jokes and kept them all a bit more lively. Without Ron, Harry and Hermione struggled- Hermione didn't talk very much and tey both seemed kind of listless in general. It was a break-up, even if it wasn't a traditional break-up.

Ron and Hermione, though they argue, they still care deeply for each other. It's clear that they have affection for each other. Hermione cast a Confundus Charm on a fellow student to ensure that Ron would be Keeper for the Team. Ron gets jealous of Krum when he takes Hermione to the Yule Ball. I think one of the reasons Ron started dating Lavendar was because he did flirt with Hermione and had affection for her but she didn't want him. When Ron was poisoned by the love potion, he mutters Hermione's name (even though he was dating Lavendar at the time) which proved his real feelings.

I don't know. It's hard to describe why they are such a good couple, they just are. They balance each other out. They are in love with each other. I think that they are ~soul mates~ kind of like how Arthur and Molly are just meant for each other and there isn't a way to explain why, they just are perfect. I don't think I've ever shipped a ship harder than Romione. They are love.

(I originally had Snape down for this card because of his thing with Lily and Harry, but I decided he was meant for other cards that could capture more of who he was)

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