Major Arcana: III Empress
Meaning when the card is facing you: fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Meaning when the card is facing away from you: creative block, dependence on others
Molly Weasley is a very interesting person. She can represent fertility because she is a mother of seven beautiful children: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ron, and Ginny. She also "adopts" Harry into the family. She is main mother figure we see in the series, for Harry and for others.
She doens't have a lot of money, but she has an abundance of love. The Weasley family is pretty poor mostly because Molly is a stay at home mom, Arthur works at a low paying job at the Ministry and they have seven kids. They don't have a lot, but what they have, they share. Also, Molly makes huge amounts of wonderful food for everyone to make sure they are healthy, happy, and satisfied. Molly can represent beauty in the way she treats people, the way she loves them and cares for them.
Mrs. Weasley can be a creativity block, however. No matter how much she loves her children, she still doesn't always understand them and therefore kind of blocks them from being creative. She constantly bugs Bill about his long hair and talks about cutting it when he obviously is uncomfortable with that. She throws out creations that Fred and George made for their joke shop. They spent hours creating them and perfecting them, but she just throws them out likes it's nothing. She also is a bit smothering when she should know better. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are preparing to go hunting for horcruxes, she tried to stop them from planning and also trying to figure out what they were planning to do even when they tell her it's a task they aren't allowed to talk about and they can't not complete it. These things that Molly does is not to be malicious or mean, they're out of misplaced love in her heart but there are a lot of creativity blocks that should not be over looked.
I think Molly fits this card really well. :)
Also I'm sorry for the delay, my queue isn't really working very well
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