Thursday, June 13, 2013

Major Arcana: VIII Justice

Major Arcana: VIII Justice

Meaning when the card is facing you: justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Meaning when the card is facing away from you: unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty

Neville is basically the embodiment of all these things: from karma and justice to unfairness. From a young age, his family didn't believe in his magical abilities. They hung him outside a window and did other things to try and scare the magic out of him, without anything really working. He is given his father's wand which was not suited for him and therefore his magical abilities in school were not up to par so he was often viewed as a liability and not good at magic. He is made fun of and laughed at by Malfoy and his Slytherins, most teachers besides Professor Sprout and Mad-Eye Moody (who turns out not to be Mad-Eye Moody) don't see his potential, and his Grandma is never proud of him. But he turns that all around in little ways over the years. He shows his bravery in first year but Dumbledore is really the only one who acknowledges it. In fifth year, he proved his worth to not only his peers, but also his Grandma by fighting alongside Harry at the Ministry. In the seventh year Neville doesn't even need to try anymore to prove himself to everyone, it's already clear that he's brave and strong.

Neville Longbottom's parents were tortured to the point of insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange and they are in a ward in St. Mugo's Hospital for the rest of their lives. Neville is incredibly wonderful when he goes to visit them.An example we see of this is him accepting a candy wrapper from his mother as if it was the most wonderful thing in the world (which it kind of is because it's not like his mother can really give him anything else). He is kind and understanding towards them; he doesn't let his grandmother's negativity get him or his parents down, choosing to focus on the good rather than the bad.

Neville could have also been the "Chose One". He and Harry share the same things that the Prophecy about Voldemort and ?: parents defied Voldemort three time and that they were both born at the end of July. This is significant because obviously, Voldemort chose Harry over Neville (probably because the biggest difference between Harry and Neville was that Harry was a halfblood like Voldemort while Neville was a pureblood). Though he wasn't the "Chosen One", Neville still plays a very big role. IN the seventh book, when Neville kills Nagini, he destroys the last horcrux that Voldemort has besides the man himself. Without Neville doing this, Harry would not have been able to kill Voldemort.

I love Neville Longbottom too much and I don't know what else to write about him without just repeating how amazing he is over and over and annoying everyone. Also, it's summer and I'm tired and studying for finals. I might add more later, but for now this is all I have for this week.

edited June 20, 2013 2:23am

1 comment:

  1. These are magical images. They transport us into a world of wonder and intrigue! Your details are brilliant observations of the often unnoticed gifts around us. Your characters ooze charm; they are lovable and/or captivating!
