Monday, March 11, 2013

Designing the Back of the Card

After figuring out Harry Potter related characters and events for each tarot card, I ordered a box of blank (front and back) cards from Even though the cards I got aren't the size that most tarot cards are, I like them. They're kind of perfect for me because they're small and I have small hands. These cards will be easy to shuffle and not too much oh a hassle for me to carry around.
Next I designed a back for the card. I wanted it to be intricate  and pretty but representative of Harry Potter as well. I can't post a picture of the original drawing that I made because my dad and I chopped it up in order to scan it into the computer correctly. 
I drew it during an art lesson that I have with one of my friends, who has been really helpful with this whole thing so far (helping me figure out color schemes to make the cards look nice). 

These are all the sharpies/permanent markers that I have that I will be/ have been using to complete this project. I have acquired them over the years and the picture next to this caption is of the sharpies I bought for this project to go along with the rest of them because the ultra thin ones that I already had were either used up or not the colors I wanted.

I wanted the same back for each of the cards, but I didn't want to draw it over and over again for each card, so I printed the picture onto sticker paper and cut it out to stick onto the back of each card.
1/2 of the first page we printed
My dad and I made a template so that the size of the sticker would match the card exactly and so that I could make the most of each sheet of sticker paper. Each card will now have this design on the back of them.

The first card that I fitted a sticker to (it was very scary because I didn't want to mess up, but as you can see, it worked out ok in the end)

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