Friday, March 8, 2013


So this is blog which I made so that I could document and share my process for making Harry Potter Tarot Cards. I got the idea from a friend when he came into school with Homestuck Tarot Cards. Being the Harry Potter fan that I am, I searched for a tarot deck that was Harry Potter themed, but sadly, I don't have that much money so I decided that I would try to make my own. I got my inspiration for some of the cards from Ellygator at and other Harry Potter tarot related forums that I found.
So what I'll be doing in this blog:
- Posting pictures of the cards that I make as I make them and the reasons and meanings behind them.
- Posting my thoughts and feelings about the whole thing in general
- Hopefully I won't be posting anything too personal, but it might slip in from time to time
So yeah :)


  1. This is great! I am excited to hear more about this project as you work on it. I am so proud of you.
